Hospitals are strange bedfellows..
Here you have all the time in the world to sit back, ponder, introspect your decide wether you want to count your blessings or bemoan the inadequacies..
The perfect time to realise how uncertain life really is & how much we tend to waste it by our very own actions & reactions..
The perfect time to realise that there are always people more unfortunate or in need than us..
Most importantly time stands still.. to have endless conversations with family, huddled close together over a cup of coffee..hearts pounding when summoned to the ICU..the relief when it was just routine...a gamut of feelings & waves lashing at the back of the mind..the power of strength, resilience, agony & ecstacy..the entire package which resonates within you..before you go back to the routine to drown in the fast pace of chores & deadlines.
Tomorrow is truly another day.
Scarlet o' hara's epic words ringing in my ears.
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