For me the month of May is a mixed bag of emotions. It is my birthday month & I particularly rejoice on the occasion, feeling special as if I was born to make a difference to the world however ridiculously far fetched & hilarious that may sound. It is also the time the king of fruits..the mango makes its grand entry making my delight complete.
Much to my alarm, the honeymoon period soon gets over as the sweltering heat makes it's presence felt & adding to the woes begins the dismal saga of absconding maids. Most of them go on their annual holidays; can't grudge them that & the measly few who remain suddenly come up with relatives crawling out of the woodwork who seem to need them more than me.
Forget the newspapers & the weather reports who most often miss the targets, the weather at home certainly depends on the appearance of the maid.
The kitchen sink & the washing machine vie for the top spot in screaming for your attention & when
the maid finally appears on your doorstep, she becomes the maid of honour in the true sense.
They are a blessing in our lives & like most things we realise their value in their absence when we have to roll up our sleeves & get down to tackle the chores.
Thus the month of May comes to an end paving way to the welcoming first showers if the monsoon, beating the heat pronto. The cutting chai & bhajias that go with it.....well that's another story altogether
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